Back On Market Due To Buyer Financing Falling Through! Don't miss your chance on this one! Listed just under market value. This home offers all new carpet, fresh paint, a fenced in yard, storage building, and a fenced in yard. Ready for you to make it your own! Won't last long. Make an appointment today!
108 Plantation Dr is a Manufactured On Land in the neighborhood Plantation Village on a 0.21 acres lot in the LA VERGNE, TN 37086 in Rutherford County, TN. 108 Plantation Dr was built in year 1995 and features 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a total square footage of 1280. 108 Plantation Dr has been on the market for 155 days and the most recent list price for this house is $229,900 which is lower than the average list price of amongst similar listings in LA VERGNE. There are 19 other homes for sale in the vicinity of 108 Plantation Dr; 611 Sycamore Ln, 173 Constitution Ave and 2710 Pickards Pt. The elementary school near 108 Plantation Dr is LaVergne Lake Elementary School, for Middle
school, LaVergne Middle School and High School it's Lavergne High School. The MLS ID for 108 Plantation Dr is RTC2679552. Nearby things to do include Mc Guireās Lawn Service, A Plus Battery, Fortune Express Chinese Restaurant, 1-Stop Cafe, Food Lion, Lavergne Pawn & Jewelry, C & C Produce Market, Pantry Inc, Tobacco Outlet & Market, El Rodeo.