208 Paradise Dr is a Single Family Residence in the neighborhood Paradise Acres Sec 3 on a 0.36 acres lot in the Mount Juliet, TN 37122 in Wilson County, TN. 208 Paradise Dr was built in year 1987 and features 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a total square footage of 1936. 208 Paradise Dr has been on the market for 72 days and the most recent list price for this house is $364,999 which is lower than the average list price of amongst similar listings in Mount Juliet. There are 19 other homes for sale in the vicinity of 208 Paradise Dr; 208 Paradise Dr, 3020 Bar Dr and 3020 Bar Dr. The elementary school near 208 Paradise Dr is W A Wright Elementary, for Middle
school, Mt. Juliet Middle School and High School it's Green Hill High School. The MLS ID for 208 Paradise Dr is RTC2746600. .