5014 Chaffin Dr, W is a Single Family Residence in the neighborhood Pasquo Park on a 0.87 acres lot in the Nashville, TN 37221 in Davidson County, TN. 5014 Chaffin Dr, W was built in year 1972 and features 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a total square footage of 3000. 5014 Chaffin Dr, W has been on the market for 213 days and the most recent list price for this house is $685,900 which is lower than the average list price of amongst similar listings in Nashville. There are 19 other homes for sale in the vicinity of 5014 Chaffin Dr, W; 5014 Chaffin Dr, 5014 Chaffin Dr and 612 Collinscrest Ct. The elementary school near 5014 Chaffin Dr, W is Harpeth Valley Elementary, for Middle
school, Bellevue Middle and High School it's James Lawson High School. The MLS ID for 5014 Chaffin Dr, W is RTC2657912. Nearby things to do include Hart Ace Hardware, Seemi’s Arterations, Moore & Moore Garden Center, Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant, Kroger, Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, Apricot Lane Boutique, China Spring, Bria Bistro Italiano, Subway.