941 Washington Dr is a Single Family Residence in the neighborhood Wallace Acres on a 0.42 acres lot in the Lewisburg, TN 37091 in Marshall County, TN. 941 Washington Dr was built in year 1984 and features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms with a total square footage of 720. 941 Washington Dr has been on the market for 338 days and the most recent list price for this house is $187,200 which is lower than the average list price of amongst similar listings in Lewisburg. There are 19 other homes for sale in the vicinity of 941 Washington Dr; 810 Liggett Ave, 802 Liggett Ave and 920 Mayberry St. The elementary school near 941 Washington Dr is Marshall-Oak Grove-Westhills ELem., for Middle
school, Lewisburg Middle School and High School it's Marshall Co High School. The MLS ID for 941 Washington Dr is RTC2610916. Nearby things to do include Pizza Hut, Little Caeser’s, Mildred’s, KFC, Mexico Lindo, Huddle House, Walgreens, By-Pass Market & Deli, By-Pass Liquors, Discount Tobacco Outlet.